Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Carrots cooking in week 7 - stewing apples

In Week 1 we wanted to learn how to make an apple pie and we wanted to plant an apple tree. 
This week we got closer to both. We don't have enough time to make an apple pie but we did stew apples. Stewed apples could be used in a pie, a crumble ot just eaten as they are, or with nuts, cereal, yougurt or ice team as a treat. We call that a versatile food. 
We stewed three different kinds of apples  learning how to use knives safely. The reason we stewed three kinds of apples was to decide what variety of apple tee we would like to plant. 
We had to choose between Pacific Rose, Royal Gala and Granny Smith. 
We have decided we liked the Granny Smith stewed apple the best and would like to grow a Granny Smith apple tree. While the Room 7 Year 4s might not get to enjoy it's fruit, their little brothers and sisters might. The Room 7 Year 4's can tell them the story why we have theGranny Smith apple tree! 

1 comment:

  1. That looks delious I want to eat it From Emma and Bridie
