Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Carrots had so much to do! Week 7

We were going to plant a fejoa tree, plant some peas and plant some spinach seedlings. 
Our fejoa tree won't get as large as the one above because we will keep in trimmed. 

Once we got to the garden we changed our plan. 
Mint had returned to our garden bed we had cleared last week. The carrots had done an excellent job digging up all the roots. We found we had not taken out all the root and so we pulled out the sprouted plants and their roots. 
 Then we checked out compost. It had begun to compact and dome of the leaves were beginning to decay. 

We moved into action taking done bamboo stakes and making s frame for our peas. We read the seed packet instructions and planted the seeds. We will have to watch for pea shoots that have sprouted in 10 days - 2 weeks.  

Then we split into two groups. 

One group planted spinach seedlings with Miss Stevenson. 

The other group dug in compost and turned over the soil of our top garden bed they we took the mint out of ready for planting!

Next week we will transplant the other fejoa tree so we have two ready to have flowers like those below in spring! 

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