Thursday, May 12, 2016

Clearing out the mint bed - week 2

Today we started to prepare our garden beds to plant some new veges next week. We started by clearing out the catmint that had taken over prime growing space. We learnt to pull out plants by pulling them at the base of the stem. 
The mint had become wild, sending out roots under the soil and shooting new stems of mint throughout the planter box. It had taken over. This was a very big job for the Gardeners.

The carrots prepare to tackle the catmint bed
Piles of catmint are made ready to be composted

There are so many roots through the planter, we use tools to get them al, out.

The beans finish the job and clear away all of the roots. That's a job well done beans! 

Miss Stevenson has an idea to stop the mint roots from reroute get. She suggests we bag up the roots on a dark bag with no light or water so they won't sprout in our compost...

Next week we will learn about compost and worm farming and why they are important to our garden! 

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