Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Being environmentally wise with plastics

Ben, Izzy,Ethan, Fletcher,Paddy,Grace,Sulaisea,Harper,Scarlett, Amaya, Payden,Sarah and  Yeji had a massive discussion about plastics in our world. 

We all know that plastic is not good. 

Mrs Cowsill spoke about Henderson Island in the Pacific ocean. 

The problem is huge. Here are some more links to find out more:

How did plastic get into our food?
The story of bottled water
Our place in the plastic world NZ

There are some awesome projects going on to clean our planet, but with more plastics being used. 

Find out how an 18 year old's invention is cleaning up some of the oceans.

It costs money - How is this funded?
Is this enough? 
Is it the solution?
What is the solution?

In NZ we have Sustainable coastlines  helping us to keep our coast lines tidy.

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