Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Plastic number 2

Last week we had a massive discussion about Plastics when we learnt they couldn't decompose.

This week Harriet shared about plastic number 2. So we did some research on plastic number 2.

Mrs Mardell knew that the ECO store a NZ company used plastic number 2 and its made from sugarcane. You can follow the link to learn more about the plastic the ECO store uses.This is sustainable meaning we can generate more sugarcane AND we can recycle it. We also learnt that anchor milk comes in plastic number 2 bottles.

They call plastic number 2 Carbon Capture plastic. this little video explains it.

We agreed though that less plastic was still best.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Being environmentally wise with plastics

Ben, Izzy,Ethan, Fletcher,Paddy,Grace,Sulaisea,Harper,Scarlett, Amaya, Payden,Sarah and  Yeji had a massive discussion about plastics in our world. 

We all know that plastic is not good. 

Mrs Cowsill spoke about Henderson Island in the Pacific ocean. 

The problem is huge. Here are some more links to find out more:

How did plastic get into our food?
The story of bottled water
Our place in the plastic world NZ

There are some awesome projects going on to clean our planet, but with more plastics being used. 

Find out how an 18 year old's invention is cleaning up some of the oceans.

It costs money - How is this funded?
Is this enough? 
Is it the solution?
What is the solution?

In NZ we have Sustainable coastlines  helping us to keep our coast lines tidy.

Garden to Table with Room 5

Week 1
We learnt where everything was in the school. Some of us were surprised that we have a fruity forest (It's growing), the Kakariki gardens, the garden beds on the steps, the raising pods close to the compost heap and the worm farm!

We found a Fejoa tree with Oyster scale that we need to spray.

We tidied up the raising pods

Week 2
Mothers day herb harvest with Miss Stevenson! 

Mrs Mardell is in Room 3.

Week 3
Its raining! 
Group 1 managed to do some weeding before it started to rain.
We decided not to spray the oyster scale on the fejoas with Neem spray as it would just wash off. We have to wait for a sunny day.

That's ok we've got lots of learning learning about why we compost and worm farm on the blog. 
Click on the links above to learn more.

Homework for next Thursday
Watch the videos on compost and wormfarming and read and think about the questions with the videos

Every Thursday

  •  Remember your rain coat, sensible shoes and warm clothes, so we can get out into the garden.

  • You might like to get your own pair of gardening gloves at Mitre 10 or Bunnings.