Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Room 6 start garden to table in term 3

We started garden to table but then it started raining REALLY hard! So we used this time to plan what we wanted to learn by making a padlet to collate our ideas. 

We managed to sneak out between the rain and tour the gardens and see all the different systems that support them such as the compost and the worm farm.

Interesting things we learnt even though it was raining...

Some of our fruit trees are grafted. We spoke about what this meant and why we would want to graft plants together. We learnt that often a fruit tree would have its young branches grafted to form a new plant with all the qualities desired. This little diagram explains grafted a flowering plant. 

Most berries except strawberries need the cold to grow.

Fruit and vegetables are ripe ready for eating during different seasons.

Many of the fruit trees didn't have leaves and looked like this.
We discussed seasonal variations and how plants have different growth cycles through the year. 

We talked about different plants. 
Plants grow better when it is warm.

Room 6 planning task :
Cut and paste this link to add what you would like to learn with your name on the comment :///cmardell/x70euuhiv1ve 

The odd and even groups homework task is to think of a name for their groups and we will vote next week.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Room 7s last garden to table week of term 2

This week is sadly the last week for room 7 to use their gardening skills and we were busy for 2 whole hours! 

We were experts planting the last seedlings - Mrs Mardell was very impressed how knowledgeable we were. 

We weeded the gardens and were VERY surprised at how even more mint had sprouted. 

We harvested the kumara following the tuber roots.

We planted beans and constructed a bean pole.

We transplanted swan plants to make a second swan plant garden to attract monarch butterflies.

We saw that the garlic and peas we had planted were sending out shoots.

We left the gardens well cared for and looking great for the next class.

Mrs Mardell was impressed that we led making compost, planting seedlings and weeding? She overheard a couple of room 7 children say "we love weeding".

Well done Room 7, it's been so much fun and I hope you help out in the garden at home to grow some food!